This 3-day shoot in Miami, Florida was for a Pharma company based in the USA and UK. This project was unique since we were shooting two sets of talent (each market) in the same location with different angles and props. It's great working with two different Creative Directors from UK & USA to achieve their vision and to fit the layout.

We shot at multiply locations including a restaurant, house and the park. With multiply locations coordinating all the motorhomes, prop cars and 30+ crew can sometimes be an issue… if not properly produced, luckily we had a great producer and planned all the details out in our production guide. Working closely with the producer is essential to stay on time and in budget, so everyone is on the same page on the shoot days.

Clients love great photography and smooth productions, We like to give clients the best we can and they appreciate.
“James, Thanks for the images and for accommodating us all day. These images look TREMENDOUS! ” Doug- Creative Director

Many photographers forget they need to combine the great shot that fits the agencies layouts. Clients appreciate my attention to all the details to their production requirements while creating my art for them. Many time's in the past I have worked with multiply agencies working with each team to create the library of images they creatively need.