As one tropical passes through the Atlantic another one is right behind it and last weekend I decided to try shooting at 10,000 iso. The new Canon 5D Mark 4 has just been released to the public and I was lucky or unluckily was able to own one. I have owned all the Mark series and this one is amazing to see the multiple advances to this camera. I shoot professionally international advertising campaigns for over 20 years and I am excited about all the new features. Most important the face tracking while shooting live action!
But this gallery is about 10,000 isa handheld !

Shooting at 10,000iso with a Canon use to be a fairy-tail if you wanted to have any kind of detail that didn't have the green and red glow around each pixel (Christmas time lol). When I downloaded these images into Adobe Lightroom I was impressed that it didn't have any of those artifacts in the file! I was amazed and excited! I was was shooting these hand held counting the seconds between flashes trying to catch the excitement of the bands of weather over the Atlantic Ocean of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I can't wait to see what Matthew will bring.